Welcome back!

Way back in 2019 when we originally started with the COMICHUB service, it was decided that the shopping cart website created and hosted by COMICHUB would be sufficient for our needs at that time. Since then we have used the greenbraincomics url as a forwarding address, and proceeded to lean into the resources available from COMICHUB .
Almost 4 years later, we have decided it was time to resurrect this site as a single source for providing news about events and happenings in and around Green Brain Comics.
Green Brain Comics will continue to use COMICHUB services that you have come to know and rely on for preordering. managing your subscriptions, and paying for your asides. Though now it will be a lateral service available at https://customer.comichub.com/.
Similarly, https://stores.comichub.com/green_brain_comics will continue to host our in-stock inventory. And domestic shipping options have been turned on and updated.